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Urban art of Vagos

Vagos, Vagos

Urban art of Vagos

Vagos, Vagos

Vagos is a municipality where urban art and history meet on its streets, squares, and walls. With a setting that blends the traditional and the modern, public art in Vagos goes beyond simple paintings; it is a true visual journey that reveals the memories, people, and landscapes of the area.

Among the most striking works are the creations of António Conceição and Paulo Neves, artists whose works reflect the community's connection with the sea, nature, and its cultural identity.

“Memórias a Céu Aberto” (Memories Under the Open Sky) by António Conceição, on the Municipal Market Building, conveys the stories of Vagos' past, immortalizing them on its facades. The mural on the wall next to the Vagos Municipal Library and the artwork "Guerreiros do Mar" (Warriors of the Sea), at the exterior of the Fish Market in Praia da Vagueira, also by António Conceição, celebrate the region’s strong relationship with the sea and the fishermen who shaped its history.

The works of Paulo Neves are prominent in Praia da Vagueira. "A Pá" (The Shovel) and "As Árvores" (The Trees) bring nature and the local landscape to the walls, while "Jaquinzinho" evokes the memories of the region's fishing tradition.

Each mural is an invitation to explore Vagos in a unique way, through colors, shapes, and symbols that tell the stories of a people and their land.

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Urban art in Vagos is dynamic and constantly evolving, with new works being added regularly. 

It is recommended to explore the town on foot to fully appreciate the various artistic expressions.


As it is as outdoor exhibition, the works can be appreciated at any timo of the day.


The works reflect the local identity and often address cultural and social themes, offering a unique insight into the Vagos community.

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Urban art events and festivals are periodically organized, providing additional opportunities to interact with artist and the community.

Aspetos Diferenciadores

The integration of art into everyday life transforms the urban environment, making art accessible to everyone and stregthening the sense of community.


The urban art movement in Vagos began in the early 2000s when a group of local artist started painting murals on public and private buildings. Since then, the project har grown, involving national and international artist, and established Vagos as a distinct cultural destination.

Urban art of Vagos
+351 234 790 000 (Vagos City Hall)
Vagos Center, Vagos
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Vagos, Vagos