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Home Visit Heritage and Culture Igreja de St. Eulália

Igreja de St. Eulália


Igreja de St. Eulália


The patron saint of the mother Church of Agueda is Santa Eulália. This is one of the oldest monuments in the city of Agueda. This church used to have a very important role, as it attracted population and the city started growing around it. The date of the beginning of its construction remains unknown, as the first documentation referring to it dates back to 1320, in the reign of D. Dinis.


In the Baptismal Chapel, we can see the font and its Gothic bowl with sixteen vertical flutes moulded into only nine, ending in child heads. The Catacomb Chapel has a retable in Baroque style, four twisted columns, embellished with wreaths of flowers and in the central part there is a panel with ?The Souls in Purgatory?. We can also admire several art pieces such as oil painting, retables, sculptures and panels in a set of three rooms called "Cartório-Museu" ?(registry museum). We can see, for example: Images of S. Francisco de Assis, S. Domingos, S. João Baptista, Stº António, S. Joseph with the child Jesus.


In the Baptismal Chapel, we can see the font and its Gothic bowl with sixteen vertical flutes moulded into only nine, ending in child heads. The Catacomb Chapel has a retable in Baroque style, four twisted columns, embellished with wreaths of flowers and in the central part there is a panel with ?The Souls in Purgatory?. We can also admire several art pieces such as oil painting, retables, sculptures and panels in a set of three rooms called "Cartório-Museu" ?(registry museum). We can see, for example: Images of S. Francisco de Assis, S. Domingos, S. João Baptista, Stº António, S. Joseph with the child Jesus.

Igreja de St. Eulália
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