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Home Visit The Heritage and Culture Museu Duas Rodas (M2R)

Museu Duas Rodas (M2R)


Museu Duas Rodas (M2R)


Museus Duas Rodas was inaugurated on June 22, 2021. Unique in the country, it makes known the local, national and even world history of motorcycles and bicycles, showing its strong connection to the municipality of Anadia, as well as the importance of this industry to the region's economy.


In addition to bicycles and motorcycles, the Museum has a wide range of parts and accessories, some of which are authentic rarities that also mark the history of cycling and motorcycling locally, regionally and nationally. One of the oldest vehicles on display is a 19th century bicycle. At the same time, an important documentary and photographic collection is also on display.

Extra Information

Tuesday to Friday: 14h30 | 15h30

Saturday and Sunday: 10h30 | 11h30 | 14h30 | 15h30

Closed on Mondays and holidays


The M2R operates during the week exclusively by prior arrangement of visits.

Saturdays and Sundays: Group visits of more than five people require prior booking.

Museu Duas Rodas (M2R)

Centro de Alto Rendimento

Rua Ivo Neves

3780-524 Sangalhos


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