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Home Visit Heritage and Culture Igreja Matriz de Ançã - Nossa Senhora do Ó

Igreja Matriz de Ançã - Nossa Senhora do Ó


Igreja Matriz de Ançã - Nossa Senhora do Ó


This church was dedicated to Nossa Senhora do Ó or the Expectation and it has an imposing façade dating back to 1812. It is famous for its architectural structure and surrounding landscape; it has beautiful decorative arches of great architectural value at the entrance to the side chapels and a main retable made of pedra de Ançã that was rare at that time.


Inside, the church has three naves, separated by two Doric arcades, each one with five arches. The choir occupies the first span and is supported by three frontal arches. The aisles dates back to the 17th century, however, the arches were renewed at the time of the inscription.
The chancel has a stone vault with panels and the other chapels are on the Gospel side.
The Baptistery Chapel has an entry arch with a wood coat of arms and a vault with panels from the 17th century. The next Chapel is also from the 17th century and has a portal, and carved pilaster arches, cross-vaulted and with a central finial. The retable is from the 17th century and has four columns.


The date of construction of Igreja Matriz de Ançã remains unknown. In the sanctuary there are two niches with two stone sculptures from the second half of the 16th century, representing S. Pedro and S. Paulo.

Igreja Matriz de Ançã - Nossa Senhora do Ó

Terreiro do Paço
3060 Ançã

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